.57 Putting the holocaust, slavery, and heinous crimes, next to working hard in the off season of something like boarding, skydiving, hang gliding, surfing, wakeboarding, etc. saving money for an extreme lifestyle with faithful, loyal, trustworthy, ethical, logical, just, reasonable, responsible, people as the plot. develop a plan so people can apply it to their lives and presented as good clean fun. Putting it as a classes as a presentation in the education system of America could be good. People telling stories to other people in the movie as a presentation, would also be good. Adding immortal length of life with blood withdraws and transfusion studies might also be good. So people with no law stopping them from committing crimes can choose the snowboarding etc. instead of the crimes.
.7 The entire solar system is an investment of time and project from a group of planners who has portal tech. mastered that can be a communication from an hour to a million years through time to see how things progress in our solar system with population growth and shrinkage making them able to plan the creation of solar systems with planets and a sun. The main value being mastery of mammal to mammal tech. being lawfully mastered to make safe environments for them to live in. which the humans that have the power on earth are trying to stop as the masqurade as the Gods, demons, Satan, the Holy Spirit, angels, and Jesus.
.9 And then people realized that the people making the end times prophecies written in the bible happen were also hiding the fact that there were other planets orbiting the sun with us. The pictures of the sun made the planets look like stars so they were missed by almost everyone. Except the JSS who had a memory of the moons crater pattern in his memory. Which the masqueraders of demons, Satan, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and angels could know by portal connection, the thought starting in one person's mind by memory and ending in another person's mind as a thought, and to their surprise had a division formed between there people to stop the end times prophecies while other still wanted to pursue it till their death taking the world with them.
1. Are you pretending to be a dumbfuck? Presented Separately by College Professors, High School Students, Athletes, Special Ed Kids and Retards, Religious Believers-all religions, People Masquerading as God etc., Dorks, Straight People, Sorority Girls, Frat Boys, Skinny Men, and Healthy People, etc. That will be 2,000,000 for my intellectual property.
2. There seems to be a prediction in the bible that a woman's desire will be to rule over her husband which I think is convincing them to be like Biff Tannan from "Back to the Future" as a bunch of biffette tannen personality having weirdies.
3. It looks like making a movie about hating biff tannan personalities, napolean dynamite personalities and unwelcome intrusions, hating the rich guy from count of montie cristo and loving the conunt of monte cristo and his woman, and loving the mel gibson role from braveheart and hating the prima noctou making bitch king. (it may be marketable to every moral, just, reasonable, responsible, logical, equal rights classes nation wide from 6th grade to the doctrate level in every area of study)
4. Special Ed kids getting the ability to speak with someone else's mouth and insulting the Italian mobsters, nazi's, and masqueraders of demons, Satan, God, the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and angels, for getting them involved with acting like demon possessed people. And the angry responses of the mobsters, nazi's etc. until the ultimate embarrassment of them when they found out what was happening. All the while people were helping the controlled person because of the value of communicating through time with him due to portals in the pupils. Him, is referring to the JSS.
5. The JSS supplies knowledge again movie. Because the portal tech. in his pupils enabled people to understand the distance the portals can make while communicating through time was 1000-2000 miles while in the Sao Palo area in Brazil and the JSS was in the state of Oregon. Which made people think the mammal feeling other mammal portal tech. with the nerves, and body control transfer tech. could extend from America to Asia where their population being 3-4 times ours was greater danger, which means they could make Americans feel burning or electrocuted mammals, and control bodies of Americans while in Asia for attacking American lands.
6. The revealing of mammal feeling mammal portal tech connections as the cause of reincarnation and merlin magical transformations to youth again beliefs.
7. End times prophecy stopping movie to be made similar to "12 Monkies" with Bruce Willis.
8. Searching the world for like environments taking control of our citizens with portal tech. bodily control transfer to another human. While being able to spread them from lands anywhere on the planet to anyother lands on the planet. And using portal tech. nerve feelings starting in one mammal and ending up making the connected mammal to suffer the pain while the first suffers the harm.
9. A person that had communication through time forced upon him...; while he presented a way to make a hundred trillion dollars if they involved 100,000 people first buying 100,000 shares in mnst at $.10 to $.30 between 1995 and 2003 and then rolled it over into axs cryptocurrency in nov 3, 2020 at $.15 and then selling it in nov 7, 2021 at $160.00 to fund the movement to convince people with the power attributed to demons, God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, angels, and Satan with portal tech. connecting them to him, to present there power in the open and submitting it to the governing authorities so the lawlessness prophecied in the bible ending in the remnant being saved did not happen - due to a lawful environment theoretically ending in a different end. 1-5 billion people with portal tech hidden in there bodies as a danger that would make the planetary development forces (7 billion people with 5 children for 10 more generations) think they were to much of a danger to be allowed to live when the connection to the other planets was in the near future 10-200 hundred years.